Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Back to the era of endless QUEUES?

That Nigeria is a theatre of dreams isn’t news to me anymore; rather what perplexes me is the fact that we still remain the architect of our problem. From the varying drama we hear, read or experience day in and out, it’s either we are not aware of this fact or we just can’t be bothered as long as a few coins drops in our pockets.
How lawless can a country be that some citizens will deliberately vandalize a major distribution pipeline meant to be supplying petroleum products from the Atlas Cove Jetty to depots feeding about six or more states? As if that wasn’t enough, the engineers sent by NNPC to fix the vandalized pipeline were abducted and killed while trying to repair the pipeline last week. As it is, NNPC will not send another batch of engineers to the vandalism spot until security operatives have assured the management of the safety of its workers. The result of this which we all will have to live with is that 9-11million litres of fuel which ordinarily should be supplied on a daily basis to these states have been stalled.
This therefore brings us back to the days of endless queues where some people might even be compelled to sleep at filling stations if the problem persists.
I can bet that some aggrieved parties who know they are suffering in the midst of plenty would have started this illegal act. It is very sad to see poverty deteriorate to the extent that people loose their sense of value for life and engage in vandalism of such magnitude. As if that was not enough, that they could further graduate to committing murder just so they can continue with this illegal act is not only heinous but mind boggling. Where then are we heading as a Nation?
Now we all are at the receiving end of such act. Permit me to say that this is what happens when we choose to adjust rather than speak out against corruption and wrong government policies once we are not directly affected. These are the things we should start getting ready to live with when we refuse to be a part of the government either by partisan politics or familiarising oneself with how government works.
I always knew it was only a matter of time before things deteriorate to the extent that people will disregard their lives just in a bid to make money regardless of the means.....What is the use of living anyway? They might ask. As much as I do not subscribe to criminal acts in anyway, I must mention that these people fall amongst the neglected people who have been ‘forgotten’ by those who were sent to represent them by means of political office. Their ‘leaders’ have cornered the funds meant to give them a decent life, diverting such funds to sending their children abroad, buying gigantic edifices both home and abroad, fat bank accounts and what have you. The wrath of a neglected people is what is beginning to rear its ugly head subtly and if care is not taken, we might get more than bargained for as these people will become hardened if their excesses isn’t curtailed by providing them a decent alternative in good time before they get  out of hand.

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