Saturday, 15 September 2012

Education now seems less lucrative................

My childhood friend was the first to point this hard fact to me some two years ago and I quote him “Gone are those days when hard work is the passage to making it in our country” It didn’t make so much sense when he said it as much as it is making now but I will say he had taken out time to look at the trend of things carefully before coming to such deduction.
I once heard an elderly woman narrate about her experience when she travelled to a part of the country and asked a 5year old what she will like to become in the future: The girl answered “I want to become the chairman of a local government” and on further asking why that seem to be her chosen career path,  the little girl innocently answered “So make I chop money” Of course the woman said she shed tears as to how the mindset of even the very young generation seem to have been negatively affected by the get rich quick syndrome.
I don’t hear people say they want to become a professor anymore....How will they anyway when the ones who taught our politicians today are somewhere with little or no recognition whilst the ones who found their way into political offices are those who seem to always get the national ‘horrors’ sorry.....honours. When last did we produce a Nobel Laureate? When last did we celebrate a major discovery? Not that we do not have the human materials, but when the system will not give a conducive environment neither celebrate the brains, those who have still got the zeal have sought greener pastures in countries where they will be better appreciated and celebrated. Little wonder a research in the USA lately showed that Nigeria have got the highest number of medical doctors practicing in the USA.
Trust me, if we take a look at other developed countries, we will find some mind blowing facts about Nigerians and the exploits they have been doing in these parts of the world especially as regards education and discoveries. But here where we should be the world power due to being blessed with super brains, we are either the dumping ground for used and adulterated products from abroad or we have chased the ones endowed with smart brains out indirectly when we do not have plans to accommodate, develop, expose or even give them the required environment to thrive.
For your information, the friend I quoted up there is somewhere in Europe for his PhD and cannot even tell if he has got plans of coming back. Really who will when you can tell the world of difference between where you are coming from which ideally should be your citizenship and the greener pasture where you incidentally feel better than the place which should be called home?

Terrorism has contributed to making education less lucrative in Nigeria as the money voted for amnesty programme in the 2012 budget is way more than that of education. The irony of such poor governmental decision is that they will still come back to spend much more on the same children whose education they are almost mortgaging all in the name of amnesty. It’s simple to figure out.....The children whose education you are not giving adequate funding now might later take up arms and the government will in turn pay them more in the future for not giving them the adequate education which could have prevented them from taking up arms against the government in the first place.

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