Saturday, 15 September 2012


The Office of First Lady must be scrapped. I am sure this is NOT in the constitution and all these women should support their husbands, not running a parallel office where money is wasted on their pointless pet projects to enrich themselves and their cronies.
We only see David Cameron's wife at party conferences. She looks after their children and supports her husband when necessary. Tony Blair's wife is a successful barrister who maintained her career while he was PM.
Michelle Obama only comes out to support her husband and does not run an office.
Note that all these ladies are assets to their husbands and country - educated and enlightened. It’s such a shame that we never take a cue from the developed world.
I keep wondering why the slogan ‘office of the first lady’ should make an iota of sense to anyone at all in the first place. I can’t remember INEC ever conducting an election for anyone to occupy such office which means we did NOT elect anyone to occupy such a seat.
Why then would some women find ‘joy’ in something absolutely illegal? Has anyone ever bothered to find out how these illegal offices functions as I am pretty sure some people are under such an employment and as such, salaries and allowances will be paid to them on a monthly basis not to talk about the overhead cost of running such an office? Where does the funding come from or do we have some hidden budgetary allocation to such offices which we do not know about?
Money which could have been used to drive the economy of states by encouraging small and medium scale industries will stylishly go into enriching some pockets under the guise of an office the constitution does not support in any way. Be rest assured that posterity will never judge such people well.
If truly they have got the love of the people their husbands were either elected or forced on the people to serve and they have got meaningful projects they want to undertake, then they should find ways of raising funds to run such projects and not siphoning funds meant for the people under the guise of some white elephant projects. Truth be told, once their husbands are out of the office, the so called project more often than not always die a natural death, so why punish the real owners of these funds indirectly?
I have never heard anywhere in the world where a woman runs an office parallel to her husband’s not especially where the constitution does not make room for such. Then why are we so good at setting the pace for the very wrong things? Why should we always top the list when negative trends are being set? It is so sad that we are only good at reading about and visiting the developed countries, we just are not ready to borrow a leaf from them especially where good governance is concerned but will keep dreaming of being like them some day......Fantasy I call it.
These political office holders will divert funds meant for the citizens, their wives will contribute to the waste by running a parallel office and their children are also growing up to inflict more injuries worse than that of their parents combined.
These women should learn to stay in the background and stop this ‘competition’. My advice for those who haven’t got a career is to go get one! It isn’t too late to go back to the classroom.  For those who have got a career, they should improve on it and use it to benefit humanity rather than exploiting them stylishly.

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